Why we love tinted sunscreen

Why we love tinted sunscreen

Why use tinted sunscreen?

Oh tinted sunscreen, how we love thee.   

While our original SPF50 isn’t going anywhere, our tinted sunscreen is the new kid on the (sun)block — and we couldn’t be more excited. Of course, both products essentially do the same thing, and they do it without causing extra damage to our oceans. But there are some definite perks to using tinted sunscreen. Let us round up all the reasons we’re in love with this new product.  

1.    Tinted sunscreen gives a better shade match for bronzed or dark skin tones 

When creating our original sunscreen, we played around with the ingredients like mad scientists until we found a formula that rubbed in clear (rather than making you look washed out). We hear it all the time that our formula rubs in better than the vast majority of the mineral sunscreens on the market! But our tinted sunscreen goes a step further: for those with dark skin tones, our tinted SPF50 blends in even more easily. Plus, it lends fairer skin a bronze glow.

 2.    It’s not just for the beach  

Sure, you can wear our regular sunscreen anywhere, anytime, but tinted sunscreen has a decidedly non-sunscreeny vibe about it. There’s something nice about whipping out and applying a tin of tinted sunscreen while enjoying a cocktail on a rooftop, or a picnic in a city park, or your favourite Sunday market.  

Why use tinted sunscreen? A young brunette woman lies on her belly in long grass, smiling and holding a tin of SunButter sunscreen

3.    It works well with your beauty routine 

New Year’s resolution to start wearing sunscreen every day? We hear you. As we know, it’s not just UVB rays that cause burning and skin damage, but the sneakier UVA rays that penetrate deep under the skin. Popping sunscreen on in the morning is a great habit to get into. Due to its coloured nature, tinted sunscreen feels very much at home sitting beside your make-up products and other cosmetics in the bathroom, meaning you’re more likely to actually apply it every day. You can wear it on its own for a natural look, or you can use it as a base layer and then add mineral powder or bronzer over the top for more coverage.   

4.    It’s good for your skin   

Seems too good to be true, hey? And yet our tinted sunscreen is, naturally, made with the same plant-based, non-toxic ingredients as all of our other products (the tint is thanks to iron oxide). We care not just about taking the nasty stuff out of sunscreen: we also care about adding good stuff in so that your skin feels supple as well as protected. Vitamin E, cocoa butter and coconut oil will moisturise your skin without clogging pores or causing acne.  

5.    You can use it on your whole body  

While there is a range of tinted facial sunscreens on the market, there are actually pretty few tinted sunscreens for the whole body — and even fewer that come in plastic-free packaging! Plus, our sunscreens are a very solid SPF50, giving you the confidence to know you’re amply protected while playing in the sun. It’s a win-win-win scenario!  

Shop tinted sunscreen now

Written By : Tom Hiney

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